Saturday, September 22, 2012

As It Was In the Beginning

I have been a vegetarian for 15 years--but little did I realize it was doing me no good. I started out right but because of circumstances beyond my control I had to leave my stay out home Mom position & go out into the workforce to support myself & the two kids I still had at home. (Three were already grown & had relationships of their own in various blossoming stages.)
That was not the hard part, though. Working is okay--you do what you gotta do. What I didn't realize was that I had slowly been slacking in the department of taking care of myself. Oh, I was still a vegetarian but I started eating fast foods (howbeit meatless), things I could fix quickly out of a box & though I still ate a piece of fruit for breakfast & had a couple of salads a week, I had virtually stopped eating fresh, raw fruits & vegetables. White chips & refried beans became a staple, as did any vegetable I could get out of a can. Anybody else been there?